Friday, July 25, 2014

When you look for an answer

The answer shows up in misterious ways.  As long as you ask the right question.
One of the things that has mortified me the most was my tiredness and my questions were along the lines of: "Why do I have to be so lazy?"
"What's wrong with me?"

Those questions weren't geared to get a happy answer. That's for sure. 

When my thinking pattern changed to: "I'm going to find out why I need to sleep so much and I'm going to do something about it... Then life sees an intention.  So a bunch of answers start piling up:
Depression? Maybe
Fibromalgya? Maybe
Gluten intolerance? Maybe
Sjogrens? Maybe
Lack of Magnesium? Maybe

The funny thing is that I purchased the FitBit to count my steps and because I wanted to be my friend's copycat. It was a nice surprise to see that it also monitors the quality of my sleep among other perks.

Then I know that if in the morning the thing says that I really slept for 4 hours or less, I'll need a nap. If I wear earplugs I sleep better. 
I got my answer in a very unpredictable way. 
Now the next question will be:

"How can I improve the quality of my sleep to 6 hours or more?"

I'm looking forward to the answer. 

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